Check out Nihi's field guide for a quick intro to using this project.

The normal ArgonSDK with almost all meshes, materials, and blueprints from the game serialized and generated. (this is a very laborious and tedious process)

With this, you can easily build levels and actors using in-game assets that you can see in-editor. This is probably the only zip you need to download

If you find you are missing something from the game that you want, you can download this file to get the results of my CAS_output which you can use to generate those assets without needing to go through the whole extraction and serialization process.

Output of the fbx extraction process using blender. these files should already be in


Output of a python script comparing the asset types list generated by the CAS to the listing of files actually present in the ArgonSDK project. This script is in This folder will probably only be available in the direct download.


Python scripts so you don't have to download the entire zip to get just them. Also probably only available in the direct download


There are .deleted files in ArgonSDK/Content and CAS_output. I found these files were causing crashes or other issues during extraction so I removed them by renaming them to *.deleted. You can try getting them youself by changing the extension back. There are some .py scripts for finding these and re-deleting if you re-do a CAS run.

Next Steps

After extracting you can open and explore the project. This zip already has a git repo with its remote set to the official ArgonSDK, so you can pull any changes that are newer than the zip itself.
